Displacement victims may strengthen or undertake productive units
Antioquia is one of the regions where families that meet the profile will receive Special Family Support Schemes from the Victims Unit.
Families that suffered forced displacement in 34 municipalities affected by the armed conflict and poverty, between these Caucasia and Nechí (Antioquia), may undertake or strengthen productive units to improve their economic conditions.
As part of the prioritization of actions in favor of the Development Programs with a Territorial Focus (PDET), the group of Returns and Relocations of the Unit for the Comprehensive Care and Reparation of Victims carries out, in 34 municipalities focused on 15 departments, the victim profiling to identify the experience and capacity to generate income, socioeconomic conditions and vulnerability situation.
The families selected through a technical survey will receive at the end of this year, according to the result of process, some 2.300 Special Family Support Schemes, consisting of machinery, furniture and supplies to improve or start businesses in urban and rural areas. So far 840 profiles have been made.
According to Wilson Córdoba Mena, director of the Victims Unit in Antioquia, with this strategy “we continue to advance in the recovery of the social network in these municipalities, guaranteeing the effective enjoyment of the rights of victims who returned, so that they remain on their lands with better living conditions and productivity”.
The official indicated that, in Bajo Cauca and Northeast Antioquia sub regions, where 151.274 survivors of conflict are identified, “the Unit intervenes in the PDETs by strengthening collective reparation plans; which includes Afro-Colombian, indigenous and peasant communities, plans for the return and relocation of displaced persons, psychosocial care, and social and community infrastructure projects”.
The 13 municipalities of these subregions where 238 PDET initiatives for reconciliation, coexistence and the construction of community infrastructure for peace are : Amalfi, Anorí, Briceño, Cáceres, Caucasia, El Bagre, Ituango, Nechí, Remedios, Segovia , Tarazá, Valdivia and Zaragoza.
In total, the PDET programs will benefit 6.6 million Colombians in the 170 municipalities most affected by the armed conflict and poverty, of these 2.5 million are victims.