The Unit’s Review
The Unit for the Attention and Integral Reparation to the Victims is an institution that was created in January 2012 due to the 1448 Law (on victims and land restitution), which mandates aid, assistance, and integral reparation measures for the internal armed conflict victims.
The Unit for the Victims seeks to bring the State closer to the victims, mainly through efficient coordination and transformative actions that promote the effective victims’ participation in their reparation process. It is in charge of coordinating the assistance, aid and reparation measures granted by the State, as well as directing the entities belonging to the National System for the Integral Attention and Victims Reparation (SNARIV in its Spanish acronym).
It is a national order entity with administrative and patrimonial autonomy, which belongs to the social inclusion and reconciliation sector led by the Department of Social Prosperity (DPS in its Spanish acronym).