Law 1448 of 2011: perspectives on the satisfaction of the rights of victims abroad
Categorías Generales:
Víctimas en el Exterior
Nine years have now transpired as of the initial implementation in Colombia of Law 1448 of 2011. The Unit for Victims and the Norwegian Refugee Council prepared this analysis to identify the scope, challenges, and opportunities for improvement in the development of the public policy on victim support, assistance and comprehensive reparation aimed at satisfying the rights of victims abroad. The document was prepared from a critical yet proactive perspective, incorporating the analyses and points of view of different voices and sources of information, ranging from victims to State institutions to the academic and other sectors of the population. This report was first published in Spanish in September 2020.
Palabras Claves:
Law 1448 of 2011: perspectives on the satisfaction of the rights of victims abroad
Nivel de Publicación:
Fecha de publicación:
Jueves, Marzo 4, 2021