The Victims Unit will promote coffee projects in prioritized municipalities, through a strategic alliance
The Unit and other entities articulate wills for the implementation of coffee plans, programs and projects, aimed at the victim population and that located in areas of comprehensive intervention.
A joint alliance between the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia, the Victims Unit, the Land Restitution Unit, the Rural Development agency (ADR), the National Land agency (ANT), the agency for Reincorporation and the Standardization (ARN) and the Territory Renewal Agency (ART), whose objective is to articulate intentions oriented to the implementation of plans, programs and projects that have to do with coffee and its derived products, whose beneficiaries are the victim population and that in the process of reincorporation.
In previous meetings, the strategic lines of the alliance were defined, among which are the crossing of information and databases, land formalization, resource management, extension for productivity and quality, support for entrepreneurship associations, accompaniment of marketing and access to credits, among others. Roberto Vélez Vallejo, manager of the National Federation of Coffee Growers, highlighted the value of the institutional databases of the coffee population for the development of the alliance. On the other hand, he congratulated the teams for the joint work.
To date, according to the Single Registry of Victims there are 120,143 coffee growers included, of which 31,272 are located in the municipalities with Development Programs with a Territorial Approach (PDET).
Although each strategic line has a leading agency, the Victims Unit generally accompanies the alliance, with an important presence in the strategic line corresponding to the extension for productivity and quality, for which this entity carries out the exercise of characterization of needs (direct contact with the FNC with coffee producers), the result of which is to transfer knowledge through the extension service to the communities intervened by the Agencies and contribute to the profitability of their coffee farms.
The Victims Unit has been conducting the diagnosis and strengthening of the victim coffee population and other coordination actions, within the framework of the agreement it has with the National Federation of Coffee Growers.
The signing of the joint alliance agreement, through the memorandum of understanding (MOU, for its acronym in English), is scheduled for the first week of July 2020.
The Victims Unit highlights the joint and constant work with the National Federation of Coffee Growers, the Ministry for Stabilization and Consolidation and the institutional offer of all those who have special lines for victims, reincorporated, women and youth.