More than 3.000 people connected to learn about the offer of SNARIV entities, focused on the victims
There were 15 entities attached to the National System of Attention and Comprehensive Reparation to Victims (SNARIV), which presented, for three days, the offer with which they seek to impact on income generation.
The deputy director of the Unit for Comprehensive Attention and Reparation for Victims, Lorena Mesa Mayorga, classified as successful the day that took place on August 18, 19 and 20, in which the victims of conflict had the opportunity to meet and See the offer that the national government entities have for this population.
“This is a historical event that we had not carried out and through which we wanted to show all the victims through this Facebook Live all the offer that is available to them and so that they can access each of the different components that this brings Public politics".
The deputy director of the entity highlighted how during the three days, the victims participated actively with questions, doubts, concerns, recommendations and observations: “All this will help us to improve, to think better in the coming years, so that we can make a feedback to the entities that are part of the system and that have an offer available to all victims”.
Lorena Mesa revealed that there is currently a map of 410 offers available for victims and that, “a little more than 440.000 victims have been applied in lines of education, such as those offered by the ministry, those offered by SENA, which are also linked a bit with education, but also with issues related to income generation; also the offers we have from the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory, and those we have from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which has agents such as the Rural Development Agency”.
"What we most need are offers that are focused on the issue of economic reactivation, offers that allow us to advance a little more in this situation generated by the pandemic", added the deputy director of the Unit.
The official said that there have also been campaigns for the socialization of the different offers: “To date, more than 40.000 text messages have been sent to the victims so that they can know the offer that is available on issues of economy, transportation, and it has also been possible to perform the analysis of a little of 280.000 population records to access jobs, our intention is to continue in this line of the offer”.
The entities that participated during the three days of this event were the Victims Unit, the Department for Social Prosperity, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Rural Development Agency, the National Land Agency, the Land Restitution Unit, the Ministry of Labor, the Employment Service, SENA, Handicrafts of Colombia, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Banco Agrario, Finagro, Bancoldex and the National Guarantee Fund.