Military and police victims graduate as citizen auditors
After a process of formation that lasted more than three months, active and retired members of Public Force, victims of armed conflict, received the certificate of citizen auditors on December 6th.
The Victims Unit, as coordinator of the National System for Comprehensive Care and Reparation for Victims (SNARIV), and articulated with other entities, led the first training of uniformed, between military and police, in matters of Citizen Participation and Social Control, in the cities of Cali, Ibagué, Cartagena, Villavicencio, and the municipality of Corozal, Sucre.
To organize the course, the General Comptroller of the Republic, the Ministry of Defense, the National Police, the Higher School of Public Administration (ESAP) and the Unit for Victims worked together.
The 150 uniformed participants, who started the course Participation in Citizen Peace Building on August 30 and graduated this December 6, went through different chairs in which highlight areas such as Conflict Resolution, Law 850 of 2003 (control social) and Citizen Participation Mechanisms. The classes gave them practical tools for promoting the good exercise of rights and duties within the framework of Victims Law and the implementation of the Peace Agreement.
During the course, the uniformed personnel used these tools to be able to certify themselves as citizen observers. The military and police closely monitored the implementation of a public policy or a decision of their interest taken by the executive branch of public power, in order to assess the proper implementation of them and ensure the use of regulations for guarantee their rights as victims of armed conflict.