Municipalities in Antioquia and Chocó seek the materialization of projects for victims
There are 11 municipalities in Urabá and Darién subregions, with processes of collective reparation and returns and relocations, and most are prioritized with PDET.
Mayors from 11 municipalities of Antioquia and Chocó participated in the socialization carried out by the Urabá-Darién territorial directorate of the Victims Unit, in which around 258 projects were presented that will benefit the victim population of these municipalities.
Socialization focused on the guidelines and requirements for the implementation and advancement of the processes that are being carried out in these communities, subjects of ethnic and non-ethnic collective reparation, among other processes, for which articulation and minimal consideration is necessary by the municipal administrations to carry them out.
The initiatives presented include social and community infrastructure projects, prevention and emergency care; implementation of the Special Community Accompaniment Schemes within the framework of returns and relocations; actions of the Collective Reparation Plans, and psychosocial rehabilitation measures.
These initiatives were addressed through different lines: agricultural projects, delivery of materials, provision of furniture, agricultural machinery, infrastructure projects, among others. The proposals are aimed at Afro-Colombian, indigenous communities, immersed in collective processes, and communities victims of displacement.
In this instance, the municipalities, within the framework of principles of concurrence and complementarity, must facilitate the conditions for these projects to be carried out in their territory, from the contribution of qualified labor and transportation, among other requirements, depending on the initiatives that communities decide to undertake.
For her part, Elizabeth Granada Ríos, territorial director, who led the socialization spaces, reaffirmed the entity's commitment to territorial entities, giving accompaniment and timely response to concerns that arise in order to guarantee the implementation of these projects in the territory.
"We have received the 11 letters of intent from these municipalities, a timely response that attests to the receptivity on the part of the administrations, once these necessary socializations for the execution of these projects have been completed, what is really expected is broad participation and articulation in these initiatives that favor the vulnerable population that is concentrated in a large percentage in these targeted municipalities", she said.
These partner municipalities are Murindó, Mutatá, Carepa, Apartadó, Arboletes, San Pedro de Urabá, Necoclí, Turbo district in the department of Antioquia, and Acandí, Carmen del Darién and Unguía, in Chocó; of which 10 are PDET municipalities.