
Agricultural projects of 114 families who are victims of the conflict in Antioquia are strengthened

Since 2014, the Victims Unit has delivered more than 10.000 Special Community and Family Support Schemes in Colombia (about 1,600 in Antioquia).


With harvests and community endowments, the victims of Antioquia consolidate their return plans. On this occasion, 114 families were benefited in Alexandria and Jericó to whom, simultaneously, the Victims Unit provided inputs for their crops with which they can improve their quality of life.

These agricultural projects are part of the return and relocation plan that is articulated with the municipal administrations, which are in charge of formulating plans and identifying the needs of these families, together with the Victims Unit, guaranteeing food security and the permanence of these peasant families in their land from which they left because of the violence.

For Graciela Camargo, one of the beneficiaries in Jericó and displaced with her two children, the days of pain and suffering are gone. "I like to cultivate because it is a way for one to have food for oneself and we do it as a family without having to leave the house to have for daily sustenance", he assured after the delivery of beans, pea, corn seeds as well as fertilizer and tools.

For her part, Beatriz Zapata, president of the Community Action Board, who 20 years ago was forced to leave her farm and leave everything, she said that "I am happy to receive these elements, in this sector we are a large group of displaced people and together we help each other with the exchange of products that we grow ourselves and thus we support ourselves and our families". "We are going back to living peacefully and cultivating, so we can be in our land without fear of being taken out or fleeing hunger", he added.

"These Special Community and Family Accompaniment Schemes that the entity provides focus on investment lines on the eight rights to overcome vulnerability caused by forced displacement: health, education, identification, housing, income generation, psychosocial care, family reunification and food", said Wilson Córdoba Mena, director of the Victims Unit in Antioquia.

The official also highlighted that, "despite the difficult circumstances this year as a result of the pandemic we have not stopped, the entity continues in its task of fully repairing the victims".

Since 2014, the Victims Unit has delivered more than 10.000 Special Community and Family Support Schemes in Colombia (about 1,600 in Antioquia). For this year, they plan to deliver about 2.400 of these schemes that include agricultural endowments, furniture for schools, health centers and community boards, among others.