
Women victims of sexual and gender violence carried out emotional reparation process

"My voice is strength for all women, I am one more survivor, I have learned to heal my emotional wounds, to value myself, to be a strong, resilient, capable woman, we learned that we are no longer victim women, now we are survivors" : Vanesa Londoño.


Women victims of gender violence and sexual violence participate in a painting exhibition called 'TEJIENDO MEMORIAS DESDE EL SUR'. The messages expressed in their works highlight the importance of respect for women, the rejection of violence and the value of people.

The exhibition held at El Nido cultural center, in the heart of Pasto, constitutes the closing of  Group Emotional Recovery Strategy, which the Unit for Comprehensive Care and Reparation for Victims in Nariño carried out with this group of 46 women from different places in the region and the country.

"The development of the strategy focused on self-recognition, the overcoming of pain, the externalization of fears and resentments, to guide the participants in processes of resilience, empowerment and self-confidence, so the participants have more solid tools with those who can restart their life projects, under principles of high self-esteem ". indicated Lauren Coral psychosocial professional of Victims Unit in Nariño.

Vanesa Londoño, one of participants, stressed that psychosocial reparation is very important in the process of integral reparation. "Breaking the silence, being able to tell our stories and forgive to be better people, is paramount to get ahead, it's like leaving a great burden that takes away, now we value ourselves more," she said.

Luz Angélica Chamorro, professional in the area of ​​individual reparation and differential approach of Victims Unit, explained that these processes of collective construction of empowering scenarios allow for emotional reparation. "It is a very important aspect for the participants, since from their psychosocial health depends their role as women, as mothers, as sisters, as beings who seek to realize their dreams, from this strategy wounds are healed in  heart and mind, in the spirit of people; This is a process that is the basis of integral reparation ", she said.

In the development of the strategy participated the members of the Association Women United Defend of our Human Rights, Social Pastoral of the Diocese of Pasto, the municipal Mayor's Office and El Nido cultural center.