Victims Unit serving the population of El Congal (Caldas)
The Victims Unit rendered a report to the I Civil Court of the Land Restitution Circuit of Pereira, regarding the progress to comply with the orders issued in a judgment issued by that office and which links the entity to the process with the victims of El Congal village, municipality of Samaná, department of Caldas.
Through the Land Restitution team of the Legal Advisory Office (OAJ) that guides John Vladimir Martín Ramos and the territorial direction of Coffee Axis in charge of Laura Moreno, the Victims Unit presented a report before the I Civil Judge of the Circuit of Restitution of Lands of Pereira, Beatriz Elena Bermúdez, in which she gives an account of the actions undertaken by the entity in favor of the processes of reparation of the victim population of the village of El Congal, municipality of Samaná, in the department of Caldas.
In the report, specific figures and progress were made regarding the recognition of compensation, through the issuance of administrative acts that benefit 57 victims who live in the territory. To date, there has been 97% progress in this activity to recognize victim families.
"In coordination with the Land Restitution Unit, the information was obtained to be able to issue said administrative acts, which leads to the recognition of compensation according to the victimizing act and the prioritization to take place", explained Álvaro Vargas, leader of the OAJ Land Restitution team.
In that order of ideas, the judicial administrator Beatriz Bermúdez highlighted the work carried out by the OAJ Land Restitution team and the Territorial Directorate of the Coffee Axis in coordination with the Land Restitution Unit, and it was concluded that in the measure When they receive the administrative acts of acknowledgment of compensation, the orders from the Victims Unit will begin to be considered fulfilled.
Similarly, the Unit is developing other administrative activities, no less important, such as: progress in the Comprehensive Collective Reparation Plan and the formulation of projects framed in the special accompaniment schemes, which are immersed in the Returns and Relocations plans.