The Victims Unit implement psychosocial strategy for minors who will receive trust commission in BarrancAbermeja
In total, there were 40 minors between 6 and 12 years old who became the first participants in the "Cre-ser" strategy, which also addresses the guarantees of non-repetition and measures of satisfaction.
In a virtual way, the Victims Unit carried out the implementation of the “Cre-ser” strategy during the last two weeks with 40 boys and girls who are part of the family nuclei victims of armed conflict settled in the city of Barrancabermeja.
The initiative is part of the set of methodologies for strengthening the capacities of people who have been victims of armed conflict. “Specifically, this strategy is aimed at children who are part of the reparation route and who are about to receive the constitution of their fiduciary commission, which is the same compensation, and that they will be able to make effective once they reach their majority”, Said Amparo Chicué Cristancho, Magdalena Medio territorial director of the Victims Unit.
"The strategy is basically a psychosocial accompaniment and with it the measures of guarantees of non-repetition and measures of satisfaction are also addressed", added the official.
Similarly, Amparo Chicué said that the strategy was carried out virtually for boys and girls from Barrancabermeja, and in the last two weeks it was worked with four groups of minors. “We do a preliminary work of preparation such as contacting them and then they are trained so that they can download the digital application from their cell phone or computer and in this way they can connect. The Unit also previously delivered the work materials and snacks for the four days of the strategy", added the director of the entity in the region.
Finally, the official said that each group of 10 children worked four days in a row for two and a half hours a day, for a total of 40 minors in these two weeks and that "it was a very beautiful experience for both the children and their families and for the Unit officials, Iliana Ruiz and Álix Aguilar, who were in charge of implementing the strategy”.