
The Victims Unit delivers works of adaptation in path of Havana township in Buga

It seeks to give a new meaning to the field of Villa Alaska, where the massacre of 24 men occurred on October 10, 2001.

Valle del CaucaBugalagrande

The Victims Unit, together with the community of Villa Alaska, from the district of La Habana, Buga (Valle del Cauca) worked on adapting the field of this territory, as well as its main park, where the community house, the Agricultural College and the chapel.

Luz Adriana Toro, territorial director of the Victims Unit Valle del Cauca, explained that it was a day that is part of WEAVING strategy, which is carried out with this subject of collective reparation.

"This action is carried out within the implementation of the community rehabilitation measure and seeks the transformation of local scenarios. The heart of Alaska is a place of great weight for this community, because there was the massacre of 24 men on October 10, 2001 and is where the community proposes to make a very valuable resignification exercise", said Mrs. Toro.

With the adaptation of the field and the park, it is intended to strengthen community networks and promote sports spaces that contribute to the integration and strengthening of trust in this community. This is how the enclosure was made, the arches were put in mesh and the benches, facades and gardens were painted and restored.

Alaska is one of the eight lanes that make up the subject of collective reparation in Havana (Buga, Valle).