
Unit will support with more than 1.5 billion pesos the act of formal delivery of dead toll from massacre of Bojayá

The director of the Victims Unit, Ramón Rodríguez, revealed that with these resources the participation of the immediate family members of the victims is ensured.

Bogotá, D.C.Bogotá, D.C.

In order to meet the differential characteristics of this ethnic community, the Victims Unit will have more than 1,500 million pesos in order to guarantee the participation of the direct relatives of the victims of Bojayá massacre, which will be present from November 11 to 19 in the acts of formal surrender of the dead in this violent event occurred in 2002.

The director of the Victims Unit, Ramón Rodríguez, explained that with these resources it will be ensured that the direct relatives of the victims (spouses, parents, children, siblings, regardless of the number) or maximum 5 people per victim for cases that there are no direct family members, participate in all acts. "Under its principles and customs, the Victims Unit will support this process, which demands an investment between 1,500 and 2,000 million pesos where we are guaranteeing the transportation of the communities, food and lodging for all the days they require".

Likewise, the Unit will provide all the necessary materials for the symbolic acts planned by the community for the reception of the bodies in Bellavista and its route along the river, as well as the symbolic acts planned for the trip of the bodies to Pogue. From the Victims Unit, the director of the entity said that "there has also been the psychosocial support they have had from the first moment that the processes of consultation and exhumation were made."

During the delivery process that begins on November 11, the preparation will be guaranteed to the families, prior to the technical-scientific explanations and the process in general, allowing family members to know and understand the type of information they will receive, to which the Unit has had 12 psychosocial professionals.