
The Unit for the Victims introduces humanitarian aid actions developed in the last 15 months

The entity activated the verification of 2,312 events, where 1,773 correspond to acts against civilian population and other 480 events are armed actions.

Bogotá, D.C.Bogotá, D.C.

The Unit for the Victims Director, Ramon Rodriguez, participated in the virtual event "Aprendamos del 2020 - Conflicto y pandemia: los desafios para la ayuda humanitaria en Colombia" (Let’s learn from 2020 - Conflict and pandemic: Challenges for Humanitarian Aid in Colombia), where he referred to the entity’s actions taken to attend different humanitarian emergencies in the country.

According to Rodriguez, between January 1st, 2020 and March 15th, 2021, and in the daily events scrutiny related to the dynamics of violence, “the verification of 2,312 events was activated. 1,773 correspond to acts against the civil population and 480 to armed actions”.

According to the records, the most recurrent acts against the population during this period were the following: homicides with 1,012 cases; threats and intimidation with 470, and attacks with 104. The most frequent armed actions were combat with 144 events, confrontations with 104, ambushes with 62 and harassment with 33.

On the other hand, 107 massive forced displacements events were reported in the same period of time. "During 2020, we coordinated the aid of 77 mass displacement events, for which 6,930 families composed of 21,307 people have been forced to leave their homes." In the same way, so far in 2021, the attention of 30 mass displacements has been coordinated, which have affected 2,112 families, which represents 6,918 people.

Regarding confinements, the Director said 30 situations have been attended in the last 15 months. “During 2020, the Unit verified and coordinated the aid of 22 confinement events, for which 9,768 families (35,783 people) had their mobility restricted as well as their access to basic needs satisfaction affected. In 2021, the Unit has verified and coordinated the aid of 8 confinement events, which have affected 3,819 families (10,494 people).”