Unit participates in a subcommittee to analyze the situation of victims of displacement in Algeciras
In the coming days, the Territorial Committee of Transitional Justice (CTJT) will be convened, in order to keep track of the actions implemented to guarantee adequate and timely attention to victims.

The Victims Unit participated in the departmental Subcommittee on prevention, protection and guarantees of non-repetition for the municipality of Algeciras (Huila), after registering displacements in that population, in order to analyze the reported situation and coordinate actions for care of the victim families.
Yhina Paola Lombana López, territorial director for Caquetá and Huila, explained that "the entire institution is very concerned about the events that are taking place in this municipality, after alleged threats that some residents of the region and the recent one was being subjected to assassination of the social leader Gentil Pasos, president of the local community action board”.
The official added that "the displacement of 13 families corresponding to 64 people has been identified, who due to the circulation of threatening pamphlets, left their territories and moved to the municipalities of Neiva, Campoalegre, Acevedo, Isnos, Rioblanco, Zipaquirá and the city of Bogotá”.
In this sense, the Unit, by the hand of the institutions with presence in the region, has been guiding the victims in the presentation of the pertinent declarations, through the Municipal Office, and coordinates with the receiving territorial entities the necessary actions so that affected families are cared for taking into account the components of immediate humanitarian care, and according to the needs identified.
In the coming days, the Territorial Committee of Transitional Justice (CTJT) will be convened, in order to keep track of the actions implemented to guarantee adequate and timely attention to victims.