
Humanitarian and monitoring activities continue to communities of Urabá Chocoano

In addition to the humanitarian aid delivered and the food kits managed, the Victims Unit participates permanently in the monitoring tables set up by national, regional and international cooperation entities to follow up on the humanitarian work carried out in municipalities of Carmen del Darién and Riosucio (Chocó), affected by thearmed conflict.


In the facilities of the Board room of the administrative headquarters in Apartadó, the Victims Unit participated in the follow-up table to the humanitarian work carried out in the communities of Riosucio and Carmen del Darién, Chocó.

The meeting was attended by representatives of entities such as the Regional Ombudsman's Office, the global humanitarian aid organization (Mercy Corps), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Mission to Support Peace Process (Mapp-OEA), the Norwegian Refugee Council, International Peace Brigade, Lutheran World Foundation and Social Pastoral.

These actions are due to the monitoring of humanitarian emergencies registered in the previous period, caused by acts of illegal armed groups that altered the tranquility of these communities and which have been subject to permanent monitoring by the territorial entity in support of the competent entities.

Likewise, from the Victims Unit Emergency Prevention and Attention Unit, food kits have been managed in complementarity, which are delivered by the World Food Program (WFP), for the communities with the highest rate of risk and affectation.

"The programming for the delivery of these aids is being coordinated with the administrations of Carmen del Darién and Riosucio, municipalities of Choco Department, we are also very attentive through this monitoring table to contingencies that may arise in these communities ", Said Elizabeth Granada Ríos, director of Victims Unit, Urabá Darién.