The Unit recognized the leadership and work of the victims in Sucre, on Human Rights Day
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a historical document that proclaims the inalienable rights that correspond to every person as a human being, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, position economic, birth or any other condition.
The Sucre Territorial Unit for Victims commemorated Human Rights Day in the department, recognizing the leadership, management capacity, resistance, perseverance and organizational
work of women human rights defenders who are members of the Supérate association based in the Veraka farm, El Cinco village of the Sincelejo municipality, delivered in loan from the Victims Reparation Fund.
For Isaac Hernández, director in Sucre, this commemoration gives everyone the opportunity to renew with the spirit of humanity's long struggle for rights and dignity and to mobilize against old people and challenges, in the form of poverty and inequality, violence, exclusion and discrimination.
It should be clarified that the women's association that participated in the commemoration is a victim of sexual violence.