Mayors of Nariño municipalities are trained to meet the victims
The Victims Unit will carry out in Pasto days of territorial technical assistance, aimed at municipal leaders and their work teams in order to guarantee the continuity and sustainability of the processes of assistance, care and comprehensive repair that have been implemented at the territorial level for survivors of armed conflict.
The Victims Unit in its capacity as coordinator of the National System of Care and Comprehensive Victim Assistance, will carry out in the Nariño department technical assistance days, to the new leaders of the department, with the aim of guaranteeing the continuity and sustainability of the processes of assistance, attention and integral reparation to the victims, which have been implemented at the territorial level.
This process will begin with a working breakfast with the municipal mayors of the department of Nariño, called "Strategic meeting with new leaders and territorial directors", which will be held on February 17 at Cuéllar Hotel in Pasto hotel at 7:00 am, and will continue with scheduled territorial days according to the Nariño subregions, in which the leaders, together with the Planning and Government secretariats, and the liaison of victims, will have the opportunity to strengthen their skills and increase their institutional capacity to respond to the needs of victims of armed conflict settled in its territory, which are registered both in overcoming the situation of vulnerability and in the rights to truth, justice and reparation.
In addition, through this conference, it is intended to continue the exercise guided by the National Planning Department in the formulation of Territorial Development plans, which aims to transfer diagnostic and planning tools to the territorial entity that allow it to attend, in a timely and efficient manner, the obligations of the municipality with the victims of armed conflict, in accordance with what is defined by current regulations.
Likewise, it will be a space where they will have the opportunity to interact with the three levels of government (national, departmental and municipal), so that actions could be outlined in the framework of the Stewardship Strategy, for the fulfillment of aid commitments immediate humanitarian, communities and ethnic groups, collective reparation, returns and relocations, among others.