The Unit in Magdalena Medio signs an agreement with two entities that will pay attention to the CRAV of Barrancabermeja
It is estimated that around the third week of December the Regional Center for Attention to Victims of the Oil Port will become operational.

In order to articulate the institutional offer at the national and territorial level to attend, guide, refer, accompany and follow up on the victims who require access to the state offer in order to facilitate the requirements in exercise of truth, justice and reparation, As well as providing assistance and guidance to victims at the Regional Center for Victim Attention (CRAV) in the city of Barrancabermeja, the Magdalena Medio Territorial Victims Unit signed a participation agreement and institutional offer with two entities: the Unit for the Restitution of Lands and the Barrancabermeja Urban Development and Social Interest Housing Company (Eduba).
According to Amparo Chicué Cristancho, Magdalena Medio territorial director of the Victims Unit and signatory of the agreements by the entity with the aforementioned institutions, “what we intend is to join efforts between the Unit and these two entities in order to provide care and guidance at the CRAV of Barrancabermeja, which we estimate will be operational by the third week of December, under the principles of dignity, transparency, confidentiality, coordination, good faith and a differential approach, among others”.
"We had planned the inauguration and entrance in operation of Barrancabermeja CRAV for last March, however, for those days the health emergency due to Covid-19 began and we could not start. At this moment we are awaiting a resolution from the mayor's office that contains the biosafety protocols, among other aspects, and we estimate that by the third week of December we will begin the attention firmly”, added the official.
One of the commitments that the Unit must assume according to the two agreements is to establish the protocol for comprehensive care and reparation measures from a differential approach to the population victims of the different victimizing events, including those of forced displacement in a situation of return, as well as facilitating the physical work space according to the availability of the CRAV.
On the part of the Land Restitution Unit and Eduba, the commitments they assume in the signed agreements are, among others, to be present with suitable personnel for the service in the aforementioned CRAV and to guarantee the personnel technological supplies, stationery and permanent institutional identification to provide optimal care according to their skills.
It should be clarified that the CRAVs are an inter-institutional articulation strategy at the national and territorial level whose objective is to attend, guide, refer, accompany and follow up on the victims who want to access the state offer to exercise their rights to the truth, justice and comprehensive reparation.