
Young victims of Casanare strengthen their life projects

Through the ‘Projecting ourselves’ strategy, the Unit contributes to the construction of a meaning adorer and transformer of the compensation resources, which correspond to the young people who suffered the conflict.


The Victims Unit began the implementation of the ‘Proyectándonos’ strategy, with a group of young adolescents between 13 and 15 years of age, victims of armed conflict in the department of Casanare.

Through four virtual sessions, the unit's psychosocial focus group developed activities with them that allowed them to learn how the integral reparation of their rights will be carried out, and provided them with tools to be the architects of their dreams and to achieve them.

“Many of them have had their right to education, protection, housing, family, medical care and love violated, in the context of complex situations due to the armed conflict. We believe that this type of actions, in which their capacities are strengthened based on the past, present and future, are fundamental for the fulfillment of the goals that are proposed", said Vanessa Lema, director (e) of the Unit in Meta and Llanos Orientales.

Likewise, the official said that the strategy contributes to the construction of a repairing and transforming sense of the compensation resources that these young people have for being victims of armed conflict.

The young people who participate in this strategy are duly included in the Single Registry of Victims (RUV) and begin their process of comprehensive reparation.

Two new meetings with young people between 14 and 17 years old, and between 13 and 15, respectively, are planned for July 14 and 21. And in August the strategy will continue to be applied.