Women victims of Meta had psychosocial support and financial guidance
During the conference, which took place in different groups, each with the participation of 10 women, there were five meetings in which they were given tools to empower themselves through the recognition of their human rights as subjects of special protection.
The Meta and Llanos Orientales territorial directorate, through the psychosocial strategy "Vivificarte", with which the Victims Unit strengthens the process of comprehensive reparation with a differential approach and a rights perspective, held different meetings with 86 women victims of crimes against his integrity, freedom and sexual formation of the department of Meta.
During the days, which were developed in different groups, each with a participation of 10 women, there were five meetings in which they were given tools to empower themselves throughof the recognition of their human rights as subjects of special protection, know and obtain financial education skills and in this way contribute to the development of their life projects and in the same way, contribute to the symbolic reparation, dignity and recognition that they contribute to the guarantees of non-repetition.
With one of the meetings that addressed the theme "Our roots, spiral of life, the trunk", Doris, one of the participants in the strategy, said that "she returned her 'cassette' 25 or 30 years," she recalled many things from her life and also analyzed how she feels and how he describes himself at this moment.
Similarly, Doris said that thanks to the strategy “it gave us a lot of confidence and that despite how hard life is, it was very beautiful and it moved the fibers of my soul and I think the same thing happened to all of us”.
For his part, the director of Meta and Llanos Orientales Unit, Carlos Arturo Pardo Alezones, emphasized that the psychosocial support provided by the entity to victims "offers spaces for both the expression and recognition of the emotional impact that the violent acts have had on them, as to favor the good use of their resources and that in this way, they are capable of assuming their own life with decision-making capacity and responsibility, even in the most painful circumstances".