The Unit insists to the perpetrators to hand over the goods and resources to repair conflict victims
The Unit’s Director announced that, for the moment, the only ones who have delivered goods to repair the victims are some Justice and Peace Law postulates.

During the discussion "Advances in the victims’ reparation in Colombia" organized by The International Republican Institute, Ramon Rodriguez, the Unit for the Victims Director, assured that since the Victims Law was applied, the reparation has been done mainly with the General Nation’s Budget resources.
"If all the execution processes are reviewed, since Law 1448 and its Decree-laws were implemented, everything has been done with the General Budget," said Rodriguez, who also revealed that resources have arrived for Justice and Peace postulates but specified that these people gave some goods to be monetized: "Some of these with difficulties to turn them into economic resources and to be able for these resources to reach the victims."
Regarding the agreements between the Government and the former guerrilla FARC, he said “there are commitments to deliver goods that have to be monetized in order to be able to comply to the victims within the collective reparation processes. Last year, we achieved the monetization of $40,000 million COP for the gold bars they gave us.”
Currently and in collaboration with the Presidential Council for Stabilization and Consolidation, he added: "We are working closely to ensure these resources, through a trust, become actions that allow us to apply collective reparation plans we have in the territory, where there are already more than 795 Collective Reparation Subjects with whom we have been working; but we need resources from the perpetrators."
Given this situation, the Director made the following call: "What is happening to the perpetrators? We need the resources to be able to serve all the victims in the country."
Regarding the Fund for the Victims Reparation, Rodriguez recalled that 8,495 payments of judicial compensation were ordered. This was done complying with the compensations recognized to the victims, which were included in judgments issued under the Justice and Peace Law for an amount of $ 183,840,840,490.74 COP.