
The Unit has invested $ 1,428 million for victims in Rionegro, Santander

In the municipality of Santander, the Victims' Unit presented to the Municipal Council the various actions it has taken on behalf of the survivors of armed conflict and highlighted the articulated inter-institutional work in the region.

Bogotá, D.C.Bogotá, D.C.

The territorial directorate of Victims Unit in Santander presented before the Municipal Council of Rionegro, Santander, the offer of the entity and a balance of investments and actions carried out for the benefit of the victims of conflict. In said municipality there are 2,745 victims included in the Victims' Registry.

The entity has provided support to the implementation of the return and relocation plan to 253 people that make up 63 families that live in 21 villages and 8 neighborhoods of the municipality. With these victims, the Unit developed Special Family Accompaniment Schemes, consisting of 29 productive projects, each for $ 6 million, and basic marketing and finance workshops, all for a value of $ 174 million. And in projects co-financed to support women victims of conflict in Rionegro and El Playón, from the support of productive units, the Unit has invested $ 1,199 million.

Another benefit for people affected by the conflict was made as part of the so-called Special Community Outreach Scheme, for $ 55 million, within which the Unit provided school supplies to rural schools in the district of San Rafael de Los Chorros, consisting of 160 unipersonal desks, 27 simple work desks, 27 polypropylene chairs and steel structure and 27 acrylic formica boards.

The territorial director of Unit in Santander, Gonzalo García, highlighted the results achieved for the benefit of victims thanks to the work of various institutions: "Rionegro is a sign that it is possible to advance inter-institutional work in an articulated manner," he said.

The Government of Santander has delivered 20 productive projects worth $ 60 million, the Ministry of Labor has supported 14 projects and the municipality contributed to make 3 rural housing improvements worth $ 9 million.

At the same time, in support of women victims, the Government contributed nearly $ 248 million in productive projects, the municipality of Rionegro $ 12.3 million and the municipality of El Playón 12.3. The contributions of the municipality in logistics and entrepreneurship and business sustainability courses were $ 12 million.

In the meeting were also present the Government of Rionegro Secretary of, the ombudsman, victims and representatives of the Municipal Victims Table.