The Unit delivered compensation for $ 6.048 million, In Valle del Cauca
The compensation letters reached 1.022 victims in workshops held in Buenaventura, Tuluá and Cali.
The Victims Unit delivered this week in Valle del Cauca letters of compensation in the municipalities of Cali, Buenaventura and Tuluá for resources totaling $ 6,048 million, which corresponds to one of the comprehensive reparation measures.
"Those monies reached the hands of $ 1.022 victims of armed conflict. The largest group was that of Buenaventura, where 845 people benefited. The delivery days spanned several days in the Regional Center of this city, applying all the biosecurity protocols", said Luz Adriana Toro Vélez, territorial director of the entity in Valle del Cauca.
In Cali, 86 letters were delivered, while in Tuluá there were 82 summoned victims, who not only reside in these cities but in their neighboring areas or areas of influence.
In Valle del Cauca it is estimated that 11.6% of the population is a victim of armed conflict, which means 525.828 people.
According to the Victims Unit, since Law 1448 of 2011 came into force in this department, letters of compensation for $ 374.242 million, equivalent to 51.397 compensation, have been delivered.