
Survivors of armed conflict in Mocoa receive emotional strengthening

With the implementation of the psychosocial strategy, the recovery of victims is sought after the effects caused by the violence.


The professional team of the Putumayo Territorial Victims Unit, advanced together with 20 survivors of armed conflict in the Strategy Strengthening Capacities, implemented as a measure of rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantee of non-repetition.

This group experience that summoned survivors of Mocoa armed conflict, revolved around several dynamics such as: the tree of life, the roots of the past, the spiral of life or the five things that violence did not take away from me.

During this meeting, female participation was highlighted as the case of Miriam Castañeda, a young survivor of armed conflict, who valued the invitation made by the unit's professional team. "I found this activity excellent, because it has taught us to reflect on our life and also to have good habits on a personal and spiritual level".

With the activities proposed by the psychosocial area, it is intended to provide practical tools so that participants can advance in their emotional recovery process, after the scars caused by violence.

Those life stories that were marked by sexual abuse, forced disappearance or homicide were approached from the roots of the tree of life, taking into account childhood with the principles and values ​​learned, because from there lies the way in which the human being manages to overcome the problems or adversities he must face.

At the end of the day, the participants concluded that with the training received they managed to strengthen their emotional part and see life from another perspective.