Strategy "Hilando" will help the emotional recovery of the victims in Urabá and Darien
The initiative contemplates holding some face-to-face meetings, as long as the current context allows it, following the established biosafety protocols to preserve the integrity of the participants.
Through virtual meetings, the Urabá-Darién Territorial Directorate of the Victims Unit, through the psychosocial team that will implement "Hilando" strategy, socialized the methodology by which this initiative will be carried out in the municipalities of Apartadó (Antioquia), Unguía and Acandí (Chocó).
These articulation actions with the territorial entities seek to socialize the objectives of Hilando and facilitate the spaces and conditions of the victims who will participate in this strategy, allowing the mitigation of the damages caused in the psychosocial, moral and political dimensions, as a consequence of armed conflict In colombia.
During the development of the strategy, face-to-face meetings will be scheduled, to the extent permitted by the current pandemic context, and following the established biosecurity and distancing protocols to preserve the integrity of the participants.
In these first approaches, led by Elizabeth Granada Ríos, director of the Unit in Urabá and Darién, the mayors, government secretaries and victims' liaisons from these municipalities have been present, all of whom have been receptive to the strategy.
These municipalities in the subregion of Urabá Antioqueño and Darién in Chocó are home to about 89.000 victims of conflict, of which a percentage have expressed the need to receive support and emotional recovery both in groups and individually, as a measure of rehabilitation and comprehensive reparation.