Reparation advances with the bankarization of the victims
The Victims Unit, since March 17, has recognized 63,917 administrative compensation to 62.214 victims, with an investment that has exceeded 487.900 million pesos.

The Victims Unit has been advancing the payment of administrative compensation through the agreement with the Agrarian Bank, as the only banking operator that the entity has, despite the difficulties presented by the emergency generated by COVID-19.
The entity is currently working on the “massive banking” of the victims, which consists of the creation of savings accounts at the request of the Unit in the name of each of the beneficiaries of the compensation measure, which will be available for a term sixty (60) days to be legalized by their holders.
With this strategy, about 50.000 victims will receive their administrative compensation, who will have the opening of a savings account. The beneficiaries must approach the bank to legalize the account without having to provide physical documentation or money and only the presentation of their identity document will be necessary. To date, more than 33.000 victims have been banked throughout the national territory.
When the accounts have already been created, the telephone contact is made, through the Citizen Service Attention Group, to inform them that they should approach the office where the account was opened and carry out the formalization of this in order to have of money.
The victim will not have to pay for the creation of this, since it is a free benefit, created in order to minimize administrative procedures, thanks to the articulation with the bank operator.
At the same time, the Unit has been working with the support of the territorial directorates, in the delivery of the notification letters to the people who already have their resources in the bank. Before the emergency, the notification was made through mass calls, which were attended by a significant number of citizens, however, the entity adopted different mechanisms to send the letters of compensation or check letter to the victims, personally.
Initially, the strategy was applied through the correspondence operator 4-72, in which the citizen was given the compensation letter at the place of residence, so that, with this, he could generate the collection of the measure under the modality of bank transfer through the Agrarian Bank (that is, without having to summon it to a massive day of delivery of letters).
The aforementioned strategy ended and gave way to “bankarization” which, as mentioned above, aims to advance with the provision of resources in favor of the victims with greater speed, leading to that the delivery of check letters is not necessary to collect the compensation.
The Bank is managing its biosecurity protocols to avoid overcrowding in its offices.
Regarding the compensation letters issued since February, the entity clarified that all of these have an extension of time to make the collection effective, that is, all the people who have a letter of compensation at this time, regardless of the date indicated in the letter (for the year 2020), they can approach the bank.
If for any reason the victim cannot collect the compensation measure, it is indicated that the money is not lost, since the resource is individual and it has already been allocated. In that case, a rescheduling is generated and the resource is placed back in the Bank so that the person can carry out the procedure without inconvenience.
The Unit asks the victims to keep their data updated, through the virtual and telephone channels available to resolve all their concerns. Likewise, the Victims Unit recalled that the procedures before the entity are free and do not require intermediaries.