Repair continues for elderly and disabled people, survivors of conflict in the Atlantic
This week, 189 victims of forced displacement and crimes against freedom and sexual integrity were compensated.
Through Social and Economic Inclusion Spaces with the entities that are part of the National System of Comprehensive Care and Reparation for Victims (SNARIV), the Victims Unit is carrying out each month, new deliveries of letters of administrative compensation for victims of the conflict prioritized by their condition of age or disability, who currently reside in the department of Atlántico.
189 victims were summoned by the Unit to the Regional Assistance Center of Barranquilla to receive their compensation, which translates into an amount of $ 1,123 million. These monies indicate the progress and continuity of the Government in the reparation of victims of the department, especially those that have been prioritized by resolution 1049 of 2019, since they are victims over 74 years of age, with disabilities, or some type of catastrophic illness.
The victims compensated victims victimized facts like: forced displacements and crimes against sexual freedom and integrity these people currently live in the district of Barranquilla and in the municipalities of Soledad, Baranoa, Campo de la Cruz, Galapa, Luruaco, Malambo, Palmar, Polo New, Ponedera, Repelon, Sabanagrande, Sabanalarga, Santo Tomás and Tubará.
Luis Pájaro, was one of the victims compensated this week. His wife, Obedisa Flores, accompanied him to receive the letter stating that they will take advantage of this resource in all of Luis' health and home needs. "He suffers from epilepsy since he was a child, and at the age of 15 the guerrilla displaced him from Bolívar, but over the years his health has deteriorated. Right now, what we want to do with this money is to invest in their medicines that are expensive", said Obedisa.
The Ministry of Labor, the National Registry, Colpensiones, the National Savings Fund, Icetex, SENA, and the Public Employment Service agency of Combarranquilla also participated in the spaces for social inclusion, who presented to the victims all the programs and benefits State specials for this population.
From 2004 to date, the National Government has allocated more than 110 thousand 315 million pesos in the repair of almost 18,600 victims who live in the department of Atlantic. To date, 166,595 victims are registered, among which 148,634 reside in Barranquilla.