
More than $ 2,000 million in indemnities delivered this week in Bogotá

In the local center of attention to victims of Patio Bonito 387 compensations were delivered.

Bogotá, D.C.Bogotá, D.C.

With the presence of some universities based in the city of Bogotá, entities such as the Public Employment Agency and the BEPS Periodic Economic Benefits program, a compensation day was held in the Capital District.

The epicenter of the encounter with survivors of armed conflict was the local victim assistance center in Patio Bonito neighborhood, Kennedy. In this place, a talk was held on the adequate investment of resources, seeking that beneficiaries can access to higher education, housing, investment programs for their lives, converting these funds into an investment after having lost everything because of conflict.

The central territorial director, Juan Felipe Acosta, informed that in this opportunity in the city of Bogotá 387 compensations were notified for a value of 2,013 million pesos, thus attending the priority route of administrative indemnities.

These resources are added to those delivered by the Victims Unit this week in the municipalities of Soacha and Ibagué.