More than $ 18,000 million has delivered the Unit to compensate the victims of the Meta
Currently, the entity has made the payment of this reparation measure to nearly 2,000 victims in this department.

During 2020 and despite the health emergency caused by COVID-19, the Victims Unit has not stopped making administrative compensation payments to victims of armed conflict in the department of Meta and for which, with a cut to the July 31, 1,970 transfers were made for a value of 18.515 million pesos.
Carlos Arturo Pardo Alezones, Territorial Director of Meta and Llanos Orientales, highlighted that the entity at no time has ceased to give continuity to the comprehensive reparation process to which people are entitled for damages suffered at the hands of violent groups and that, due to the On the contrary, "every effort has been made to guarantee their right to compensation".
The deliveries of the compensation letters so that the victims can claim their financial reparation have been carried out individually, complying with the biosafety protocols in order to guarantee that people are not exposed to the contagion of the new coronavirus.
Comprehensive reparation to the victims not only implies monetary compensation, but also an accompaniment from the State, which guarantees the effective enjoyment of their rights, as well as actions to restore their dignity and memory, recover the truth and guarantee non-repetition.