Community relocated in Chaparral (Tolima), identifies its potentialities
Communities guided by the psychosocial team of the Central Territorial Directorate of the Victims Unit recognize their agricultural and livestock potential and the geographical and social conditions of the territory
With the participation of 29 people representing the 22 families relocated to the community of Gualará, a rural area of the municipality of Chaparral in Tolima, the fourth day of implementation of “Tejiendonos” psychosocial strategy was held. On this occasion the main objective was the recognition of the territory and rights by the community as well as the reflection on their meanings.
Ánderson Arciniegas, an active member of the community conglomerate, highlighted that thanks to this activity led by the Victims Unit, they were able to identify the productive potential that each nucleus has on its plot, “we have crops of cocoa, soursop, yucca, lemon among others that allow us food self-sustainability and the livelihood of families", he said
In the process of territorial identification, these men and women undertook the task of drawing up the social cartography of their territory, an activity that contributed to recognizing border areas, danger zones and safe zones. Likewise, they managed to understand the institutional framework of the municipality, identifying the educational institutions, social organizations and other entities that represent the State, and that in some way has an impact on the population victim of armed conflict.
"And then what most leaves us as teaching this day is that each one where we are located, we manage to understand what we have for the benefit of the entire community", said Leidy Carolina Veloza, participant.
The “Tejiendonos” strategy is part of the comprehensive reparation measures. ral and seeks to improve the bonds of trust between the communities that have suffered forced displacement, within the framework of the return, relocation and local integration processes; In this phase, the construction of a sense of the community, territorial roots and management scenarios was worked, contributing greatly to the emotional well-being and integration of the families relocated in this area of the country.