Another 1.419 victims in Antioquia receive their administrative compensation
The beneficiaries also participate in a talk about the appropriate investment of those resources received.
The Victims Unit in Antioquia continues to deliver administrative compensation in the department. On this occasion there will be 17 days in which 14.316 million pesos will be delivered to 1.419 people who have suffered violence and the inclemency of armed conflict.
María Clotilde Álvarez, was one of the 59 victims compensated in Urrao who, as a measure of reparation for the forced displacement that she suffered with her family in Betulia, receives this money to compensate the damages suffered. She relates that it happened in 2002, "when an armed group came to the village where we lived and forced us to vacate the house".
Today together with her daughter, who in December 2019 received a productive project that was also given to her by the Victims Unit, they joined together as a family to get ahead and now with the compensation she plans to improve her home and help improve the family hairdressing business. "This money does not compensate for what one suffered, but it is a joy because we are going to improve the business and the little house", she said after receiving the letter.
The day was held at Jorge Iván Cadavid school and under all biosafety protocols in order to take care of the health of the attendees, who also received guidance from the officials of the Victims Unit and the Mayor's Office in the inter-institutional offer for the adequate investment of these resources.
Wilson Córdoba, director of the Unit in Antioquia, said that "the financial compensation does not pay for the victimizing acts, but rather it is compensation that helps to recover the life projects of these people who suffered so much from the armed conflict".
"I also reiterate to the beneficiaries not to pay the processors for services that are free and that they do not need intermediaries to access the care and reparation measures", Córdoba added.
In total, more than 1.130.000 administrative compensation have been recognized by the Victims Unit in the last nine years in Colombia in compliance with the Victims Law. Of these, about 270.000 in Antioquia.