
About 200 victims received compensation in Cauca

More than 2,000 million pesos were delivered in massive compensation days held at the Regional Service Centers of Santander de Quilichao and Popayán, and at the service points of El Bordo - Patía, Guapi, Timbiquí and López de Micay. This year more than 1,500 people have been compensated in the department.


Survivors of armed conflict, residents in 24 municipalities in the southern, central, northern and Pacific coast of the Pacific, received administrative compensation from the Victims Unit, as part of the integral reparation to which they are entitled in accordance with the Law 1448 of 2011.

A total of 2,307 million pesos were delivered to people prioritized according to resolution 01049 of 2019, that is, to those who are 74 years of age or older, or who suffer from orphan, terminal or catastrophic diseases or any disability.

It is the case of Eucardo Ortega Rosales who, together with his parents, thanks this recognition: “today, thanks to this monetary delivery that the national government gives us, we will be able to improve the quality of life of my parents; after having been victims of conflict, we can bet on a more dignified and productive life”.

On this occasion, 196 victims participated in the mass conferences held in the Regional Service Centers of Santander de Quilichao and Popayán and in the service points of El Bordo - Patía, Guapi, Timbiquí and López de Micay.

According to Dan Harry Sanchez Cobo, territorial director of the Victims Unit in Cauca, “in 2019, this territorial direction of the Unit has been able to repair more than 1,500 survivors of armed conflict, for a value close to 13,369 million pesos, continuing with our firm commitment to fulfill this population that has suffered the vexations of war, but that today bets on a better future. From the institutional framework, we will continue advancing in the integral repair, where there is also the psychosocial support for this population”.