
276 people received administrative compensation, in Nariño

In October, the Victims Unit delivered a total of 2,659 million in the department of Nariño, to survivors of armed conflict in the municipalities of the coast, mountains and Pasto.


276 people have received administrative compensation during this month, in the department of Nariño. These days of delivery of compensation letters are carried out with an accompaniment in the investment of resources, directed by psychosocial professionals on the use they will give to the money received, and have criteria when choosing in access to education, training for work, home repair, health, productive projects among others.

According to Gloria Rosales, a victim benefited, she had lost all hope to receive her compensation, however now that she received it she believes that if a comprehensive repair is possible: “As time went by I thought that for my years I was not able to receive that money , but when they told me about the prioritization route again I had hope again, and today I realize that the dream of fixing my house is a reality, with this I feel completely repaired, because I received psychosocial support and today it ends This process".

The director of the Unit in Nariño, William Pinzón Fernández, invited us to invest the resources obtained with discretion and not to be told “As an entity we want you, as victims, to take advantage of these resources to improve your quality of life, it is not to deliver the money to deliver, but to know what it will be for repair”.

And he add “Please take care of unscrupulous people who seek to deceive you, the Victims Unit has no political alliances and this delivery is not due to any candidate, also remember that all procedures are free and without intermediaries and nobody owes this compensation for the damages you suffered”, he said.

The prioritization route established by Resolution 1049 of 2019 benefits payments to people over 74 years of age and people who present disability criteria or with a catastrophic illness.

In this benefit contemplated in Law 1448, in 2019 The Victims Unit has delivered more than 22 billion pesos in the department of Nariño, to more than 3 thousand survivors of armed conflict.