Victims Unit seek to strengthen training processes with victim community leaders in Cúcuta
The Victims Unit in conjunction with SENA and the members of the promotion committee analyzed the educational offer that community leaders affected by the armed conflict can access in the capital of Norte de Santander.
In order to strengthen the higher education training process of the members of the Cúcuta communal federation and their business initiatives, the Victims Unit held a meeting to socialize the actions focused on the comprehensive reparation of this subject of Collective Reparation.
The director of the Victims Unit in Norte de Santander and Arauca, Alicia María Rojas, highlighted the active participation of the members of the committee to promote this subject of collective reparation, in promoting actions that provide spaces for training and professional growth of those who represent the communities and are an active part of the processes of reconciliation, coexistence and peacebuilding in each of their sectors.
"In the framework of the plan integral of reparation with this collective subject we have prioritized actions for the associates of the Cúcuta Communal Federation, related to access to scholarships that guarantee the right to higher, technical and technological education, and others to support business creation initiatives and strengthening for entrepreneurship and income generation through SENA”, added the territorial director of the Unit.
The promotion committee identified the educational needs to advance in the strengthening of their knowledge: technology in the management of economic and social development projects, as well as a technique of the public function are the educational programs that the community leaders who survived the armed conflict prioritized. “We approved that some courses be held for the communal groups that did the training program for trainers in pedagogy, since many of the communal groups have a lot of knowledge of these processes, but it is difficult for us to transmit them to the communities in general. We are going to hold these workshops where SENA, which has experts in these areas, will train us to strengthen ourselves” said Martha Maldonado, president of the Cúcuta Community Federation.
Likewise, the community leader indicated that pre-registration was opened for leaders who want to be part of educational initiatives and achieve consolidation of the database to present to SENA.