
Recetor Women's Association (Casanare) will improve the infrastructure of its meeting space

As a measure of restitution, the Collective Reparation Subject "Asomutrare" received construction materials that will allow the locative arrangements of the place where they work in favor of their municipality.


The Unit for Victims, in order to improve the living conditions of social and community infrastructure, delivered construction materials to the Association of Recetor Workers' Women (Asomutrare), department of Casanare.

These materials are intended to adapt the place where these women, who are part of the Comprehensive Plan for Collective Reparation carried out by the Unit, carry out all their activities to support the recovery of their municipality and that it can stand out as a territory of peace and development.

The items delivered were lace, wooden boards, rods, cement, wire, paint, tiles, sand, trusses, tiles and different electrical supplies, among others. For its part, said Association will put the workforce so that this site is ready in the shortest possible time.

Carlos Arturo Pardo Alezones, director of the Unit in Meta and Llanos Orientales, stressed that with these supports that the entity makes to these Subjects of Collective Reparation, it is possible to improve the community capacities of the population, positively impact the social network and enhance work community.