
Jiguamiandó River Basin Community Council received a truck as a remedial measure

The vehicle will strengthen the bank of machinery delivered to this ethnic group and will benefit more than 3.000 victims that house the 12 communities of this subject of collective reparation of the Afro-Colombian population.

ChocóCarmen del Darién

As a measure of restitution of the Collective Repair Plan of Jiguamiandó River Basin Community Council, a truck was delivered to this group with which they can strengthen and recover their agricultural activities and transport production within and outside their community, belonging to a resident Afro-Colombian population in the jurisdiction of El Carmen del Darién, Chocó.

The delivery was made to the representatives of the group by the director of the Victims Unit, Ramón Rodríguez, in the city of Montería.

The investment amounts to $ 110 million and includes training and instruction in the handling of the vehicle, preventive maintenance and maintenance required for optimal use, which will allow the strengthening of the capacities of the members of this group and the use of its sources of production.

From the hands of the director Rodríguez, Melkin Romaña and the other members of the board of directors, they received this vehicle that will allow to commercialize and increase the productive capacity of this group, which has been receiving organizational support through workshops to strengthen government spaces own and recognition to the board of directors by the communities that make up this council.

According to Melkin Romaña, "very grateful for the collective repair and delivery of this truck that will support the transfer and marketing of community products".

In the collective reparation plan, other restitution measures have been implemented, such as the delivery of a taxi boat with its accessories, a tractor and rehabilitation and satisfaction measures from the recovery of community practices, such as soccer tournaments, through the delivery of endowments. sports, school supplies and the recovery of ancestral spaces.