
Conferences were held in subjects of collective reparation of Urabá

The sessions were held in the subjects of collective reparation Pueblo Bello, Turbo, and Barrio El Bosque, in Chigorodó, as part of the monitoring and improvement of the collective reparation plans that are being carried out in these communities located in Urabá.


In the subjects of Collective Reparation of Pueblo Bello, municipality of Turbo and Barrio el Bosque, of Chigorodó, three days of agreement and review of progress in the actions established in the collective reparation plans were carried out.

The sessions were held from the Subdirectorate of Collective Reparation of Victims Unit, with the aim of verifying the actions carried out and giving continuity to those that are pending in these two non-ethnic groups, with which they have been working.

With El Bosque and Pueblo Bello collectives, satisfaction actions and others contemplated in the collective reparation route have been implemented to restore the conditions they had before the conflict led them to undermine their organizations and ways of exercising leadership.

As happened in El Bosque, the largest neighborhood in the municipality of Chigorodó, on August 12, 1995, when the massacre known as the Aracatazo was perpetrated. The wake of violence, assassinations, disappearances, displacement were continuous for the following years generating a pattern of violence that affected collectively this population of banana workers.

In Pueblo Bello, 43 peasants were massacred, among other facts, which led to the implementation of the Comprehensive Collective Reparation Plan, a process that has been carried out since 2013 and was included in the single registry of victims in 2015, since then various restitution and satisfaction measures have been implemented, including the implementation of the ENTRELAZANDO strategy.

The sessions made it possible to recount these measures and plan those that are still needed, to continue with the execution of plans approved and agreed with the communities.