
The Unit advances in its commitment to characterize victims in Buenaventura

The report of this study, which was part of the commitments made with the civic movement, was presented to the Mayor of Buenaventura and Mesa del Paro.

Valle del CaucaBuenaventura

The Victims Unit shared with the Mayor of Buenaventura and with the Access to Justice, Protection, Victims and Memory Bureau (Mesa del Paro), the results of the advanced characterization with a sector of the victim population of this municipality.

It was a process carried out in the District to know in detail the conditions of 22,929 victims who reside in the urban area of ​​this town, in aspects such as housing, education, health, documentation, military situation, among others.

Luz Adriana Toro Vélez, territorial director of the Unit in Valle del Cauca, indicated that this study was executed by Universidad del Valle, Pacific headquarters and funded by the Unit. "It was aimed at 6,310 families and is part of the commitments signed with Mesa del Paro", he said.

The Territorial Director stressed that “in these meetings the scenario was facilitated to develop joint actions with the National Planning Department, Sisben and the Mayor's Office, for which we have all the will of the District, expressed by its mayor, Victor Hugo Vidal”.