"Records management facilitated the registration of another 300,000 victims and delivery of benefits"
Optimizing the information and identification processes allowed the Victims Unit to expand its coverage and to direct the aid to the population in need.

The filtering of data, the improvements in the registry and the good management of the information in the Victims Unit, allowed to complete data and information regarding more than 300,000 records, and with it a good and objective orientation of the benefits to the victims
This was confirmed by Gladys Prada Pardo, Director of Registration and Information Management of the Victims Unit, after explaining that this is one of the lines of action through which a good management of public policy for the population victim in Colombia is consolidated.
"More than a million records came with incomplete data, they came with data that did not allow us to process them. That has been reduced as I say in two thirds and we have still managed it. The process of Data Quality is a permanent task in this field, "explained Prada.
Minimum errors
Additionally, he said that through the online taking of the statements, the levels of error in the information have been substantially reduced, and on the other hand, there is the real-time exchange of the National Registry and other public and private institutions, for the validation of information.
"The search is through other databases and other administrative managers, for example, the United base, the base of the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Health," he noted.
Prada said that this "allows us to say, for example, that such a fully identified victim appears today living in Lejanías-Meta but was previously in another municipality and that his children are also studying, according to the registration and record sent to us by the Ministry of Education database".
"From all that information we complete the data that could have been erroneous or missing", said the director of Registration and Information Management.