Young victims make up, National network in Cartagena to work collectively for their rights
From the Walled City the youth shouted: "We are children of war. We are parents of peace. We are survivors!"

Employment opportunities, right to participation, access to higher education, entrepreneurship, technology, training in human rights, employment offer, employability and productive projects are the main lines proposed by young victims in the National and Departmental Development Plan , and Territorial Action Plans, in a document that will be delivered to the Victims Unit.
These lines were constructed after several talks offered by Andrea Bautista, from the Ministry of Labor; Moisés Medrano, from the Ministry of Culture; Marcela García Prieto, Public Policy professional, and Sandra Arteaga, from the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Precisely, this last official explained the steps (taken from War Child) to effectively influence public policy: identification of problem, construction of the proposal, message design, activity plan and monitoring and follow-up. The above to determine what it is that you want to change, what you want to achieve and to whom you must go.
With this information, the representatives convened in the First Meeting of Young Victims that takes place in Cartagena, worked on the four axes of the Pact for Productivity and Equity of the Development Plan, related to legality and safety, entrepreneurship and productivity, green growth, science, technology and innovation.
In addition, they placed special emphasis on the ' The peace that unites us' agenda, on the themes of victims, reincorporation, crop substitution, action against mines, institutional arrangements and Development Plans with Territorial Approach (Pdet).
The meeting also served for the creation of National Network of Young Victims, proposed by Cristian Calle, young leader of Huila department. ¨ This network has the purpose of making visible the problems of the boys in the whole territory, collecting the proposals and generating communication and unity. Regardless of whether or not he is at the tables, the important thing is that he is a victim¨.
He also explained that this network aims to articulate with Snariv entities, the institutional offer, generate new youth leadership, work for territorial peace and share experiences, information, documents, local initiatives and processes.
In the afternoon, the representatives to the Chamber, Katerine Miranda and David Racero, sat down to talk with young people about the continuity of public policy of victims focused on this population.
The Representative proposed the drafting of a Law project, together with young people, to expand university places, scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate students, inside and outside the country, and other issues related to the right to education, while Racero, emphasized in the need to work collectively because "we, the young people, had to change this country".