
"Young people are powerful political subjects who know what they should do": Governor of Bolívar

At the rhythm of a Caribbean mix, played by the group 'Plenitud Otoñal', the meeting of young victims began, which recognizes itself as survivors and in whom the hopes of many for the construction of a better country are sown.


Young victims of 32 departments and the Capital District meet yesterday in Cartagena to leave a clear message to Colombians: they are not only the future, but the country's present.

"We were used because of conflict, because of the war. Now we must bet on defending life and territories. Defend rights, raise your voice in favor of 8 million victims, with dignity. Colombia is going through a historic moment and we are the ones called to build the country we want for all and for future generations, "said Deyder Henríquez Matos, representative of the National Bureau for the department of Bolívar, at the start of the First National Youth Meeting Victims.

The Governor of Bolivar, Dumek Turbay Paz, indicated that the event was full of life, illusions and dreams and for those dreams to continue, one must work from now on and always in education, as the first reparatory measure to claim the rights that the war robbed the young.

"This was a war led by old people, but it was the young people who placed the dead, no matter what the flags they represented and the currencies of the weapons they wielded. They were only young! Today in post-conflict times it is important to remember not to forget, that it was your dreams that broke or that it was your blood that stained the battlefields. Yesterday the young people were the fuel of the war, today they should only be the fuel of peace, "said the Governor of Bolívar.

And in that emphasis on education as a reparation principle, he pointed out that it is the transforming force of the world, because it allows social mobility and offers opportunities to escape the traps of poverty.

"The challenge of this forum is for young people, with their vision of the country, who are aware of their realities, to build a public policy for young victims, to repair the past, dignify the victims and guarantee true inclusion with rights."

The young people were accompanied by Jaime Torrado Casadiegos, Regional Director of SENA; María de la Paz Valencia, national leader in attention to victims, also from SENA; Adriana Pinto Barón, deputy director of Participation of the Victims Unit, and the territorial director, Miledys Galeano Paz, who highlighted that "this generation, human rights defenders, have the responsibility to represent the victims and open the spaces and paths that we have to keep going". There was also the artistic group 'PLENITUD OTOÑAL', made up of seniors, who danced a Caribbean mix to welcome the boys.

The representatives of young victims will work for three days in the preparation of an advocacy document on three fundamental issues: education, employment and income generation and culture, for the National Development Plan. In addition, they will work on the incidence of young people in the implementation of Youth Law, the constitution of the Network-National movement of young victims, the articulation with international cooperation for the strengthening of local youth participation initiatives, and the role of young people in the implementation of the Protocol for the Participation of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.