"We are going to work to encourage participation", Ramón Rodríguez, general director of the Victims Unit
The announcement was made before the Meta Victims Participation Table, within the framework of the “Great dialogue with the victims in times of Covid-19”.
The Victims Unit during the economic, social and ecological emergency has taken the necessary measures to advance and guarantee comprehensive care, assistance and reparation for victims.
These strategies include precisely the guarantee of effective participation. In this way, the dialogue held with the 23 members of the Participation Table of the Meta department evolved smoothly and obtained good results.
The director general of the Victims Unit, Ramón Rodríguez emphasized communicating to the victims the president's commitment to advance in comprehensive reparation and also indicated that the budget allocated for the payment of compensation has been the highest in history of the implementation of the Law.
He also announced that, as for the collection of compensation, which is one of the most recurring concerns of the victims, "we have extended the times, if there is a need we will extend them much more." The clarification is made that the term, to date, was set until August 31.
Likewise, Director Rodríguez indicated that "we are going to guarantee you as a Departmental Table, that you can hold a two-day plenary session, where you analyze all the problems that are being presented to you".
The director of Inter-Institutional Management, Aura Helena Acevedo spoke with the leaders about the participation protocol and, in addition to this, he established a commitment to articulate security issues with the National Protection Unit.
Regarding comprehensive reparation, director Enrique Ardila told the table that this year there will be an important advance in some subjects of collective reparation of the territory such as: Charras village, El Castillo, Mapiripán, La Charrasquera, among others, and that during the time of the health emergency, an agreement has been formalized with the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP), in order to specify the implementation of actions of the Comprehensive Collective Reparation Plan (PIRC).
Emilio Hernández, director of Registration and Information Management announced that “we activated a campaign to resolve doubts from the management level. The channel will be a priority for the members of the tables and will be answered in the shortest possible time”. This given that the dialogue had established times and, although most of the concerns were resolved, there were specific issues to answer.
Regarding ethnic issues, the director of this area Luz Patricia Correa stated, in light of the concern of some with the lack of inclusion of ethnic issues in the Territorial Action Plans, that “we are reviewing within the framework of our indicator technical assistance for the formulation of the PAT, the review and returns are made in case they have not included the ethnic issue.
In addition, Héctor Camelo, director of Social and Humanitarian Management, highlighted that “When we socialize and feed back the information directly to you, the leaders of the victims, it is that we can collect the analysis and generate strategies to overcome these obstacles and continue complying with the parameters established by the Victims Unit”.
Among the most disturbing topics of the members of the table were the following: productive projects for the generation of income, higher education for young people, mainly young people from ethnic groups and the delivery of compensation.
Lastly, Miller Agudelo, member of the Departmental Table of Effective Participation of Victims, concluded that during the day there was listening by the directors of each missionary area, for which the work was harmonious and strategic.