Victims of Boyacá open spaces for participation
In direct dialogue with the governor of this department, they requested interaction on issues related to their powers as a Participation Table.
During the first Territorial Committee of Transitional Justice at the departmental level, the victims of armed conflict in Boyacá, asked Governor Ramiro Barragán for greater participation in the spaces s government and technological tools that facilitate virtual connections to comply with the exercise of representation of the population affected by violence, taking into account that the current context of the pandemic restricts face-to-face sessions.
Nelly González, coordinator of the Table of Effective Participation in this department, insisted that victims should be taken into account to debate the issues that affect them and promote the implementation of public policy in the department's development plan: “Here we are leading the spokesperson for more than 35 thousand victims, and how important it is that such harmony exists between the government and, naturally, the representatives of the surviving population of conflict”.
For his part, the sectional president stated that his Government has all the willingness and will to work for the victims. He said that he first commits to respond to technological aids for the connectivity of meetings and that he is open to maintaining participation spaces. “If we have to start again, we start again. Here, from the smallest to the largest entity, we are aware that we can contribute our grain of sand to carry out the process in favor of victims”, said Barragán.
In another of the meetings led by the Central Territorial Directorate of the Victims Unit, for this region, the governments of Tunja and the department followed up on the regional point of care for victims PRAV, which although under current circumstances is temporarily closed, it is not neglected and on the contrary, the pertinent actions are planned for when the national Government enables its reopening.
For the moment, the victims of the capital of Boyacá who are generally treated at this point, must continue to carry out their procedures through the authorized channels:
Lines for Boyacá and the other departments of the territory
3134121122- 3203328902 - 3224186874 - 3184458886 - 3176688967- 3228829346-3219647396 - 3134121122 during business hours from Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. m. at 12 m. and 1 p. m. at 4 p. m.
Other channels
Visit web www.unidadvictimas.gov.co
Email unidadenlinea@unidadvictimas.gov.co
Lines 01800091119, Bogotá 4261111 and the code 87305 for receiving text messages.