Process of election and conformation of the tables of victims in Putumayo advances
With the training and simulation of officials of the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Ombudsman's Office and municipal representatives, the last stage is established to close the participatory process with which the delegates will be defined and the conformation of the municipal and departmental tables for the participation of victims.
The Territorial Putumayo Victims Unit advanced a process of training and simulation, attended by 11 of the 13 municipal ombudsmen, representatives of the Attorney General's Office, the Ombudsman's Office and the departmental government secretariat to strengthen the guidelines established for the election and possession of the Municipal and Departmental Bureau of Victims.
Paola Flórez, an official attached to the Ombudsman's Office and delegate of orientation and advice to victims of armed conflict, highlighted the importance of events such as the one carried out by the professional team of the Victims Unit. "Training is essential because, although these processes have been completed, there are always regulatory updates and hence the importance of conducting these meetings where it is possible to resolve any doubts that may arise at the time of election of participation tables".
In turn, the official mentioned that three organizations defending the rights of victims were registered in this new period, among which is the Alliance Weavers of Life. She took the opportunity to express that in the Ombudsman's Office victims will find support not only in those processes of the participation tables, but in the issue of promotion and defense of the rights of victims enshrined in Law 1448.
This day of training and simulation was characterized by the participation of municipal ombudsmen, who told how their experience was, as Carola Mayoral, municipal ombudsman of Colón. In this municipality there are 5,358 people, of whom 1,936 are victims. The person indicated that there is only one organization of victims, made up of nine members with whom the process of choosing the victims' table will be carried out, respecting the quotas to be provided related to a gender approach.
For his part, Jorge Enrique James, ombudsman of Valle del Guamuez, acknowledged that the training is achieved enrich not only the representatives but the other institutions in the process of electing new delegates. He added that at the closing of the registration process are 12 organizations in his municipality that aspire to belong to the Departmental Victim Board.
Leidy Cruz, person from Puerto Guzmán, acknowledged the accompaniment and advice provided by the professionals of the Unit in Putumayo. "The Unit has always sought to train us in advance for the process of election of the municipal tables of victims, with which it is achieved that we as a technical secretariat notice the accompaniment. It is a return to remember, to retake knowledge", she said.