
Before the end of 2021, the Unit for the Victims expects to compensate more than 5,400 Colombians residing abroad

This was announced by the Unit for the Victims’ Director, who stressed that, in 2020, 1,000 compensations were delivered abroad, which meant that year had the highest number of such payments since 2013.

Bogotá, D.C.Bogotá, D.C.

In the event "Victims abroad: reparation and peace-building", with the participation of Vice President and Foreign Minister Martha Lucia Ramirez, the Unit for the Victims’ Director, Ramon Rodriguez, presented the characterization results of those who left the country due to the internal conflict, a task carried out with the Norwegian Council for Refugees.

"The information collected in this characterization process allowed to adjust different aid routes defined by the Unit. It also helped to formulate programs and projects that meet the identified needs," said Rodriguez.

During 2020, in coordination with the Norwegian Refugee Council, the Unit for the Victims provided humanitarian aid in Ecuador and Panama. Likewise, in 2021, along with the International Committee for the Development of Peoples, productive projects of economic empowerment are being delivered in Ecuador and Venezuela, this is done as a contribution to local integration in host countries and to improve people's live quality.

Likewise, the assistance for the individual psychosocial aid strategy (virtual and face-to-face) and the group emotional recovery strategy (face-to-face) has been expanded. Currently, the emotional recovery strategy is starting in Ecuador, Costa Rica and Spain. Since last year, the virtual aid for victims in any country in the world started.

This action answers the needs identified in the characterization, which point out nine out of ten people had psychosocial disorders and most of them lacked aid.

Faced with the question: “How does administrative compensation progress with other non-material reparation measures such as psychosocial rehabilitation and support for initiatives of satisfaction, recognition and memory with victims abroad?” Rodríguez answered: “During the last two years, we have managed to advance considerably regarding requests for compensation abroad, which has increased the compensation number significantly.”

In 2020, the Unit delivered 1,000 compensations abroad. This was the year with the highest number of payments since 2013, when payments began outside the country. From 2013 to July 2021, an accumulated of 4,500 victims compensated abroad has been achieved, which equals about 17% of the victims registered outside the country.

Furthermore, the entity’s Director said there is an important goal to reach 5,451 compensations before the end of this year, especially for people who have been targeted by general route "under what we have called the technical focalization method.”

Regarding the concern: What can the Colombian State and international cooperation do to facilitate living conditions improvement for victims abroad? The Director answered: “According to the characterization, eight out of ten people from the 2,612 surveyed victims have difficulties abroad. 88% of those who have difficulties indicate that this is due to a lack of economic opportunities.”

Finally, Rodriguez referred to how the Unit can guarantee support for the victims’ return in border areas. With the entity’s territorial directions, the local mayors, the Ombudsman's Office, international and humanitarian organizations such as UNHCR and the Norwegian Refugee Council, as well as with other allies, the exchange of information to identify victims in border areas who are returning to the country can be enhanced, which leads to the possibility to provide inter-agency guidance regarding their rights for a dignified and safe return.