Women victims of armed conflict in Antioquia contribute to health, by making masks
Victims of the conflict prepared these biosecurity elements to be donated in two municipalities of Antioquia.
Two groups of women victims of the armed conflict made 12.800 masks to be donated to the community of the municipalities of El Bagre and Caucasia, thanks to international cooperation that provided support to the manufacturing project.
For Damaris Nieto, legal representative of Asomelba (El Bagre Women's Association), said that "this association is made up of women, peasants and Afro, and with this project we have benefited women who, apart from being victims of armed conflict, are also mothers head of the household and that in this sub-region of Bajo Cauca it is sometimes not so easy to get daily sustenance for our families".
Thanks to this project, the associations received sewing machines, supplies and improvements to their clothing business from the international cooperator, as well as training on clothing. "We are happy because we are being part of those who are saving people's lives and because we are being useful at this time for our families", said Nieto.
For his part, Wilson Córdoba, director of the Victims Unit in Antioquia, said that "at present these elements of protection and permanent use are necessary to prevent and sometimes rural people cannot access them".
The official also stressed that "projects like these are the ones that the Victims Unit, through the municipal administrations, manages to identify in order to favor them".
Other women victims in Santander, Tumaco and La Guajira also benefited from this same project in coordination with the Unit for Victims.