El Guamal, in Norte de Santander, is committed to social transformation
Three social and community infrastructure projects delivered the Victims Unit to the inhabitants of El Guamal district, in Convencion, PDET municipality in the Catatumbo area.
A sports scene, a community hall and the improvement of housing with sanitary units were the projects delivered by the Victims Unit to the population of El Guamal district, municipality of Convencion, within the framework of the implementation of the Special Community Accompaniment Schemes that is advanced in the Returns and Relocations process.
“These works delivered today are the commitment of the national government to rebuild the social network, strengthen the coexistence, participation, interaction and social inclusion of this population that is committed to social change to the construction of peace as transforming agents. The initiatives were implemented thanks to the articulated work with the Convention Mayor's Office and the community in general, which allowed us to work hand in hand and strengthen our institutional work to generate development and reconciliation in one of the areas most affected by the armed conflict in Norte de Santander", said the territorial director of the Victims Unit, Alicia María Rojas Pérez.
The mayor of Convention, Dimar Barbosa, highlighted the work of the entity and its contribution to the development of the municipality prioritized in the peace agreements with the PDET (Development Programs with a Territorial Approach): “On behalf of all the convention members, thank the Victims Unit that helps us with these works to consolidate that long-awaited dream of peace”.
In this population that has suffered damage caused by violence, the Victims Unit implements three processes related to the EEAC (Special Community Accompaniment Schemes) through the group Returns and Relocations, a second process with the SPAE (System of Prevention and Attention to Emergencies) with the start-up of a fish farming project that will boost the economy and sources of income for the community, as well as the psychosocial strategy Entrelazando, which has provided support against emotional damage.
The president of El Guamal community action board, Diego Carrascal, explained the scope and impacts of the projects: “These are works that will improve the quality of life of the students where we will have a suitable place for our children to do not go down other paths other than sport and the social integration that can be managed with this space”. Similarly, he indicated that the construction of the communal hall will allow addressing issues of general interest and impact for the community in the social sphere.
In the middle of the delivery of the social and community infrastructure works, the coordinator of the group of Returns and Relocations of the Victims Unit, Yolman Osorio, announced new projects of Special Community Accompaniment Schemes for El Guamal during this term: “We have six social and community infrastructure projects and seven endowment projects projected”.