Meta's Participation Board of Victims presented management report
The legal space of representation of victims has the task of ensuring the rights and duties of the 189,187 survivors of violence, who are subject to attention by the Colombian State in Meta, according to the Unique Victims Registry.
The members of the Board of Effective Victims Participation of Meta accounted for the actions carried out in the 2017-2019 period, at an event held at the facilities of the GHL hotel in Villavicencio.
Rosa Cuéllar, coordinator of the Board in Meta, said that “today we were in this exercise and we were pleased to sit take stock of all our management and advocacy, where we highlight the recognitions we have had throughout this difficult work that we have done with respect and in harmony, articulating with the institutions and with the Municipal Tables through their representatives”.
This legal space of representation of victims has the task of ensuring the rights and duties of the 189,187 survivors of violence, who are subject to attention by the Colombian State in Meta, according to the Unique Victims Registry.
“For the first time, a project called Hands-on Work was carried out, an initiative that empowered rural populations, previously affected by the armed conflict and with high rates of multidimensional poverty, this with the support of the departmental and municipal government. We are also waiting to start with another initiative that will be called the victims' Agribusiness Corridor to position the agricultural production of this population in the national and international market through digital strategies and a whole commercial action plan. All this to enhance the capabilities of those who suffered the conflict, but did not stay there, but continue with dreams and illusions working for a better future”, said the leader of victims.
For his part, the territorial director for Meta and Eastern Plains of the Unit for Victims, Carlos Pardo Alezones, recalled the importance of these representation scenarios: “The victims' tables are part of the spaces that the State offers to the population for guarantee the impact on the policies that affect them and are also the institutional spaces of representation of the population affected by conflict for dialogue with the State, at all territorial levels”.
The event highlighted the importance of extending the validity of Law 1448 of 2011 or better known as the Victims Law, to continue effectively with the repair and care of this population throughout the country.