
There is a request to improve land delivery processes to move forward in relocation and return of victims in Putumayo

Within the Departmental Committee of Expanded Transitional Justice it was recommended to evaluate the guidelines established in the legal framework for the delivery of land to the ethnic communities in the department.


The Putumayo Territorial Victims Unit participated in the second Expanded Committee on Transitional Justice, to articulate actions that benefit the survivors of armed conflict in the region.

During the meeting, the institutions that make up the National System of Comprehensive Care and Reparation for Victims, SNARIV, were able to present the advances and challenges they have in the implementation of public policy of victims.

Juan Carlos Revelo, coordinator of the National Land Agency, ANT, said there will be no significant progress in the care of ethnic groups, until they have land.

“Repair is much more than land, but it is an important issue in the process. If there are no hectares, then the response will not be quick, so it is going ahead with the Victims Unit how those routes will be”, said the official.

At the territorial level, three indigenous communities are waiting for their processes, after two sentences from the Land Restitution Court of Mocoa, issued in 2017, where the ANT is ordered to buy land with an area greater than 500 hectares.

For the participants in the Committee, that has been one of the drawbacks, since in Putumayo there is no property that meets that requirement. On the other hand, there is a precautionary measure for the Inga Calenturas Cabildo of Puerto Guzmán where the judge also orders the ANT to buy land for temporary relocation, until the security conditions are favorable.

The recommendation that emerged from the Committee is to carry out a national analysis to resolve how to adjust or determine other criteria to advance these sentences. It is also important a process of agreement with the communities to adjust their requests according to the realities of the territory.